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Sensors and sensing- using sensors for early detection of age related diseases


18:00 -18:30 mingling
18:30-18:45 remembering Dr. Reuven Granot z"l
18:45-19:05 privacy regulations- Debora Snyder , GreenbergTraurig
19:05-19:25 Research of 3 startups with sensing technologies for early detection of Alzheimer's- prof. Michal Schneider Beeri , Sheba Medical Center
19:25 -19:45 using breath analysis to detect Parkinson's and dementia- Dr. Yoav Broza - Technion
19:45-19:50 mingling

Sponsored by : Greenberg Traurig

Devora Snyder, Tel Aviv Associate will be giving a presentation on Privacy Regulations.