On 22 April 2021, the German Parliament (Bundestag) passed the “Telecommunications Modernization Act” (TKMoG), which will have a significant impact on the provision of telecommunications services to buildings and the connection of real estate holdings to modern telecommunications networks in Germany. The following organizations will each host an online seminar about this topic:
- 6 May 2021: "Verband norddeutscher Wohnungsunternehmen e.V.", an association of North Germany Housing Companies
- 10 May 2021: "Verband der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft in Niedersachsen und Bremen e.V.", the umbrella organization for the entrepreneurial housing industry in the German Federal Stats of Lower Saxony and Bremen
Christoph Enaux, shareholder of Greenberg Traurig Germany, will give an overview of the new regulations that are important for the housing industry. Furthermore he will discuss the resulting consequences and options for action for existing and future supply models.
These online seminars will be in German language.