San Francisco Shareholder Philip Person will participate in a panel discussion during the State Bar of California's 24th Annual Statewide Ethics Symposium. The program is presented by the Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct. Philip's panel titled "Lawyering in the Time of COVID: Legal Ethics in the Age of Remote Practice" will discuss issues of professional responsibilities and ethical duties that demand special consideration during this unprecedented time, from an attorney’s duty of technological competence to challenges in handling confidential attorney-client communications in WFH situations, as well as questions regarding the unauthorized practice of law for those who do not reside in the jurisdiction in which they are licensed. The panel will also explore lessons learned from, and the future of, remote proceedings. Given the overall success of remote lawyering so far, the practice is likely to continue in one form or another long after the pandemic ends. The panel discussions should go a long way in assisting lawyers as they venture into the next chapter of remote practice.
April 16, 2021, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
State Bar of California: 24th Annual Statewide Ethics Symposium
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