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LXBN Leaders: Blogging is Part of a Bigger Picture for Inside Business Immigration

Ian Macdonald got into blogging after he realized that the Arsenal blog he was reading was fielding a lot of interest by dedicating themselves to a particular specialty. But if the Inside Business Immigration blog was going to be successful, he knew he’d need more than that.

For starters, he’d need insight. Blogging, as anyone knows, is a lot of time and effort, and Macdonald didn’t want his team to be pouring all that effort into an empty audience. So when Greenberg Traurig approached him about refurbing the blog, he wanted to make sure it was part of a larger plan.

“I wanted to incorporate that audience into a larger marketing initiative,” said Macdonald, who’s served as the editor of the blog for a few years now. “With immigration, which is my job and my passion, I decided to push the firm to overhaul its blogging platform and increase blogging activity. I wanted to put us in a place where we can show our expertise through this window; combining the client need for information with our want to express how great we are.”

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