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Cookies, Consent, and Advertising Technology Under the CCPA

GT Of Counsel Darren J. Abernethy (SF) will be a speaker during the California Lawyers Association webinar "Cookies, Consent, and Advertising Technology Under the CCPA" on March 12. As the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) transitions from its effective date to its rapidly approaching enforcement date, businesses in California, the rest of the U.S., and elsewhere continue to grapple with this complicated new law as it relates to cookies and other advertising-related practices occurring on their digital properties. This hour long program will provide an overview of the digital advertising ecosystem and ad tech in relation to key definitions under the CCPA; how the CCPA affects website cookies consent practices; how to evaluate website and mobile application vendors, and what contractual controls may be necessary to clarify their status under the CCPA; and a synopsis of currently proposed self-regulatory and related CCPA "Do Not Sell" solution possibilities.