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Greenberg Traurig Attorneys, Practices Recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide

More than 100 lawyers and 30 practice areas from Greenberg Traurig were recognized in the recently released guide.

NEW YORK – June 20, 2017 – More than 100 attorneys from global law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP have been recognized in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide (Guide). In addition, the Guide recommends Greenberg Traurig as a “Top Tier” firm in “Real Estate.” This high recognition of the firm’s Real Estate Practice comes shortly after the team received the Chambers USA Award for Excellence in Real Estate. In addition, the Guide recognized 32 of the firm’s practice areas.

The Legal 500 recognized Robert J. Ivanhoe and Laura Reiff in its “Hall of Fame.” This recognition is awarded to individuals who receive constant praise from their clients for continued excellence.

Five Greenberg Traurig attorneys were recognized on the Guide’s elite “Leading Lawyers” list:

  • Lori G. Cohen: Dispute Resolution – Product Liability, Mass Tort and Class Action – Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices – Defense. Cohen is Chair of the firm’s Pharmaceutical, Medical Device & Health Care Litigation and its Trial Practices; she is also Co-Chair of the firm’s Atlanta Litigation Practice.
  • Judith D. Fryer: Real Estate – Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). Fryer is Co-Chair of the firm’s REIT Practice.
  • Robert J. Ivanhoe: Real Estate. Ivanhoe is Chair of the 300-plus-lawyer Global Real Estate Practice at Greenberg Traurig and Co-Chair of its REIT group.
  • Laura Reiff: Labor and Employment – Immigration. Reiff is Co-Chair of the firm’s Business Immigration & Compliance Practice and of its Global Human Capital Solutions Group. In addition, she serves as Co-Managing Shareholder of the firm’s Northern Virginia office.
  • Martha J. Schoonover: Labor and Employment – Immigration. Schoonover is Co-Chair of the firm’s Business Immigration & Compliance Practice.

According to the publisher, the rankings recognize practice area teams and practitioners who are “providing the most cutting edge and innovative advice to corporate counsel.” The rankings are based on feedback from 250,000 clients worldwide, law firm submissions, and interviews with private practice lawyers, in addition to Legal 500’s independent research in the legal market.

Some of the commentary published in The Legal 500 United States 2017 Guide regarding Greenberg Traurig and its attorneys include:

  • ... “acts for a broad range of clients, both domestic and international, and is recognized for its ‘excellent service and global reach’.”
  • …“geographically broad and talented team”
  • …“highly experienced and capable”
  • … “delivers high-quality advice”
  • …“the best in New York at knowing the intricacies of state-managed healthcare organizations”
  • …“highly rate by clients for its regulatory expertise”
  • …“provides ‘expert knowledge on how to structure a benefits offering’…”
  • “’Knowledgeable, technical and great to deal with’…”
  • “…sets itself apart with ‘the quality and practicality of its advice’.”
  • “…‘deep and extremely positive experience’.”
  • “Clients also describe team members as ‘business partners’ and an ‘extension of their own internal capabilities’.”

The Greenberg Traurig lawyers listed below are recommended in The Legal 500 United States 2017 editorial based on the Guide’s industry or practice area designations as selected by researchers:

Attorney Recognized In Attorney Location
Tricia A. Asaro Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers Albany
Douglas  C. Atnipp

Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas

Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas

Ryan D. Bailine Real estate Miami
Ian C. Ballon

Intellectual property – Copyright

Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)

Silicon Valley

Los Angeles

Kerri L. Barsh Industry focus - Environment - litigation Miami
Hilarie Bass Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Miami
Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) New York
Robert H. Bernstein

Labor and employment - ERISA litigation

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense

New Jersey
Charles S. Birenbaum Labor and employment - Labor-management relations San Francisco
Dennis J. Block M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A - large deals ($1bn+) New York
Mark D. Bloom Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Miami
James N. Boudreau Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense Philadelphia
Robert S. Brams Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation) Washington, D.C.
William D. Briendel Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense

New York

Westchester County

Michael L. Burnett Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation) Houston
Karl D. Burrer Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Houston
Micala Campbell Robinson Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey
Michael J. Cherniga

Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers

Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers

Francis A. Citera

Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)

Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco)

Industry focus - Environment – litigation

Joseph C. Coates III Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense West Palm Beach
Lori G. Cohen Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Atlanta
Alice L. Connaughton Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Washington, D.C.
David A. Coulson Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Miami
Karl G. Dial Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Dallas
Liz Dudek Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers Tallahassee
Sylvie A. Durham Finance - Structured finance New York
Troy A. Eid Industry focus - Environment - litigation Denver
Seth J. Entin

Tax - International tax

Tax - US taxes - non-contentious

Robert C. Epstein Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)

New Jersey

New York

Kristine J. Feher Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey
Scott E. Fink Tax - US taxes - contentious New York
Joseph Z. Fleming Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Miami
Judith D. Fryer Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) New York
William Garner Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas Houston
John F. Gibbons

Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)

Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense

Jerrold F. Goldberg

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense

Labor and employment - Labor-management relations

New York
Matthew B. Gorson Real estate Miami
Elaine C. Greenberg Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Washington, D.C.
Susan L. Heller Intellectual property - Trademarks - non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)

Orange County

Los Angeles

Ian A. Herbert Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans

Northern Virginia

Washington, D.C.

Robert J. Herrington Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco)

Los Angeles

Shari L. Heyen Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes Houston
Nick Hockens Real estate - Land use/zoning New York
Robert A. Horowitz Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense New York
Harold N. Iselin Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers Albany
Robert J. Ivanhoe Real estate New York
Christiana Callahan Jacxsens Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Atlanta
David C. Jensen Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)

New Jersey

New York

Wendy Johnson Lario Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense New Jersey
Kate Kalmykov Labor and employment - Immigration

New Jersey

New York

Barbara T. Kaplan

Tax - US taxes - contentious New York
Kurt A. Kappes Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)


Bradford D. Kaufman Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense West Palm Beach
Gregory W. Kehoe Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense


New York

Washington, D.C.

Justin F. Keith

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense

Labor and employment - Labor-management relations

Mark D. Kemple Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense Los Angeles
Paul B. Kerlin Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco) Houston
Leslie A. Klein Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans



Nancy B. Lash Real estate Miami
Michael S. Lazaroff Dispute resolution - International litigation New York
Elli Leibenstein Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes Chicago
Corey E. Light Real estate Chicago
Victoria Davis Lockard Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices – defense Atlanta
David Long-Daniels

Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense

Ian R. Macdonald Labor and employment - Immigration Atlanta
Pamela J. Mak Labor and employment - Immigration Northern Virginia
Jeffrey D. Mamorsky Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans New York
David G. Mandelbaum

Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort – defense

Industry focus - Environment – litigation

Alan Mansfield Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New York
Terence P. McCourt Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Boston
Richard C. McCrea Jr. Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)


Sean McKenna Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers Dallas
Patricia Menéndez-Cambó M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A - large deals ($1bn+)


New York

Mark I. Michigan Finance - Structured finance New York
Nelson F. Migdal Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs) Washington, D.C.
Kenneth M. Minesinger

Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas

Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas

Washington, D.C.
Nancy A. Mitchell Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate

New York


Marc L. Mukasey

Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)

Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense

New York
Howard L. Nelson Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas Washington, D.C.
Renée W. O’Rourke Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans Denver
David A. Oliver Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - consumer products (including tobacco) Houston
Gregory E. Ostfeld Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense Chicago
A. John Pappalardo Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense Boston
Lenard M. Parkins Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate


New York

Patrick Pope Industry focus - Energy regulatory - oil and gas Washington, D.C.
Stephen L. Rabinowitz

Real estate

Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

New York
Alfredo Ramos Industry focus - Energy transactions - oil and gas Houston
Paul B. Ranis Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters) Fort Lauderdale
Bernadette M. Rappold Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort - defense Washington, D.C.
Magan Pritam Ray Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans Silicon Valley
Laura Reiff Labor and employment - Immigration

Northern Virginia

Washington, D.C.

Barry Richard

Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state)


New York

Washington, D.C.

Erik S. Rodriguez Labor and employment - Labor-management relations Atlanta
Bobby Rosenbloum Intellectual property - Copyright Atlanta
Elliot H. Scherker Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) Miami
Ozzie A. Schindler

Tax - International tax

Tax - US taxes - non-contentious

Daniel I. Schloss Intellectual property - Trademarks - litigation New York
Mark P. Schnapp Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense Miami
Martha J. Schoonover Labor and employment - Immigration Northern Virginia
Jay A. Segal Real estate - Land use/zoning New York
David E. Sellinger Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New Jersey
Philip R. Sellinger Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes New Jersey
Hal S.Shaftel

Dispute resolution - International litigation

Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense

New York
Keith J. Shapiro Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy) - corporate Chicago
Charles A. Simmons Tax - US taxes - contentious


New York

Robert D. Simon

Tax - International tax

Tax - US taxes - non-contentious

Northern Virginia


Louis M. Solomon

Dispute resolution - International litigation

Dispute resolution - Securities litigation – defense

New York
Mark E. Solomons Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) Washington, D.C.
Jonathan L. Sulds

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense

Labor and employment - Labor-management relations

New York
Nancy E. Taylor

Industry focus - Healthcare - health insurers

Industry focus - Healthcare - service providers

Washington, D.C.
Christopher Torres Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort - defense Tampa
Daniel J. Tyukody Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Los Angeles
Colin Underwood

Dispute resolution - International litigation

Dispute resolution - Securities litigation – defense

New York
Mary F. Voce

Tax - International tax

Tax - US taxes - non-contentious

New York
Steven J. Wadyka Jr.

Intellectual property - Trademarks – litigation

Intellectual property - Trademarks - non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)

Washington, D.C.
David B. Weinstein

Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense

Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action - toxic tort – defense

Industry focus - Environment - litigation


Washington, D.C.

New York
Terry R. Weiss Dispute resolution - Securities litigation - defense Atlanta
Todd D. Wozniak

Labor and employment - ERISA litigation

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) - defense

Peter W. Zinober

Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions) – defense



Kenneth Zuckerbrot

Tax - International tax

Tax - US taxes - non-contentious

New York

Overall, Greenberg Traurig is recommended in the Guide in the following practice and industry areas:

  • Dispute resolution - Appellate - Supreme Court (federal and state) - Appellate - courts of appeals
  • Dispute resolution - Appellate: Supreme Court (federal and state)
  • Dispute resolution - Corporate investigations and white-collar criminal defense
  • Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: consumer products (including tobacco)
  • Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: pharmaceuticals and medical devices - defense
  • Dispute resolution - Product liability, mass tort and class action: toxic tort - defense
  • Finance - Restructuring (including bankruptcy): corporate
  • Industry focus - Energy regulatory: oil and gas
  • Industry focus - Energy transactions: oil and gas
  • Industry focus - Environment: litigation
  • Industry focus - Healthcare: health insurers
  • Industry focus - Healthcare: service providers
  • Intellectual property - Copyright
  • Intellectual property - Trade secrets (litigation and non-contentious matters)
  • Intellectual property - Trademarks: litigation
  • Intellectual property - Trademarks: non-contentious (including prosecution, portfolio management and licensing)
  • Labor and employment - Immigration
  • Labor and employment - Labor and employment disputes (including collective actions): defense
  • Labor and employment - Labor-management relations
  • M&A/corporate and commercial - M&A: large deals ($1bn+)
  • Real estate - Construction (including construction litigation)
  • Dispute resolution - General commercial disputes
  • Dispute resolution - International litigation
  • Dispute resolution - Securities litigation: defense
  • Finance - Structured finance
  • Labor and employment - Employee health and retirement plans
  • Labor and employment - ERISA litigation
  • Real estate - Land use/zoning
  • Real estate - Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Tax - International tax
  • Tax - US taxes: contentious
  • Tax - US taxes: non-contentious

About Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Greenberg Traurig, LLP (GTLaw) has more than 2,000 attorneys in 38 offices in the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East and is celebrating its 50th anniversary. One firm worldwide, GTLaw has been recognized for its philanthropic giving, was named the largest firm in the U.S. by Law360 in 2017, and among the Top 20 on the 2016 Am Law Global 100. Web: Twitter: @GT_Law.