Greenberg Traurig's Laura Siegel Rabinowitz will be a speaker at the EACC on the panel "Human Rights Supply Chain Due Diligence: New Requirements in Europe & their Effects on Companies in the EU & the United States." The conference will discuss the current EU law projects and various specific laws in certain member states (Germany, France, Netherlands and the UK) that have issued specific laws on human rights due diligence. See below for more information on the topics that will be discussed:
- Examples of recent human rights law suits and criminal charges against companies: Criminal charges initiated by NGOs against (German) companies.
- Criminal law and civil law aspects of human rights violations: Who is responsible for human rights violations under criminal law? What are possible claims under civil law? What is the role of NGOs and Trade Unions? What courts are competent in the EU for human rights due diligence violations?
- Legal situation in the EU from a supranational perspective (specific EU law): Presentation of the European Parliament resolution of March 10, 2021 with recommendations to the Commission on corporate due diligence and corporate accountability
- Comparative law overview of the legal situation in Germany, France, The Netherlands and United Kingdom