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Hurricane Matthew takes aim at South Florida’s construction boom

The construction site at the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science is a hub of activity as usual but instead of building up, workers are lowering and securing the mobile crane’s boom, removing debris and hauling tools and supplies to an interior space or bundling them up and tying them down.

The builder’s storm preparation plan is in full-on mode.

“If you start planning for a hurricane the week it comes you are in deep trouble,” said MacAdam Glinn, who heads Skanska USA in South Florida, overseeing its active construction projects including the Frost Science Museum. “We put our hurricane plans in our project plans.”


Cleaning up debris and securing loose objects at job sites as well as residences and commercial properties is also the law, said Greenberg Traurig attorney Robert S. Fine. In Miami-Dade, county law is triggered once a severe weather alert goes into effect. In Broward, a building official will give the order, but in both cases, besides the potential toll on persons and property there could be legal consequences for not complying, Fine said.

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